Homelessness in Birmingham

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Here I am going to discuss the issue of homelessness and how it affects the people of Birmingham, as well as many other cities around the country.

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What Causes Homelessness, and What Does That Tell Us

The cause of homelessness is a topic that a lot of people feel they get, but that a lot of people misunderstand. A lot of times media and popular culture sends the message that the main causes of homelessness come down to irresponsibility and personal failings. This couldn’t be further from the truth. According to…

Laws Criminalizing Homelessness

Homelessness is already an incredibly difficult situation to live with. It can be nearly impossible to get any slight sense of safety, comfort, or security while experiencing homelessness. Making this situation even worse, however, are laws that many cities have passed criminalizing homelessness. Laws criminalizing homelessness most often don’t make it literally illegal to be…

Homelessness in Birmingham

When I sit down to think about the biggest issues that face the Birmingham area, or even about social issues facing our cities all across the state and the country, especially during this time of the year, the first thing that comes to my mind is homelessness. These issues are very close to my heart…

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